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Moorsafe, the strongest and most competent anchor ever.

Moorsafe groundbreaking innovative anchor design performs t w i c e the holding power and halving anchor costs and CO2 emissions compared to market leading offshore anchors.

During 30 years of experience being a construction designer, inventor, boat designer and owner of boat accessories company Roslagens Marincenter AB, Olav Dale got to experience both positive and negative input and views on different anchor types. In 1997 he incidentally got aware of the inefficiency of the, in Sweden, commonly used ring anchor. Understanding the problem he invented the new concept for a much more effective type of ring anchor. This new principle of ring anchor is still growing in popularity and more than 10.000 anchors have been sold.

Inspired by the great improvement in efficiency due to the simple new principle he introduced for ring anchors, Olav started analyzing the properties of different existing anchor types and realized there was a great need for new ideas. This resulted in the invention of a radically new type of drag anchor with a unique design that has never been seen before. This advanced Moorsafe anchor has been further developed with small variations in angles and proportions, within its unique design, to achieve the desired properties for specific use and for improved production methods.             The Moorsafe anchors can withstand a high degree of uplift and sideway forces and has proved to have superior holding power. It provides safe mooring for all types of floating constructions and more than 4000 units have been installed.

To prove the Moorsafe anchors superior holding power we arranged an anchor test in the Stockholm archipelago under the supervision of DNV in July 2005 (DNV report 40000566-2).         The Moorsafe anchor performed beyond our wildest imaginations and we believed it would soon be the best and safest bid for anchoring oil rigs. For many years we tried to get support for scaling up Moorsafe anchors, but despite we argued our anchors performed  t w i c e  the holding capacity compared to the market leading offshore anchors, unfortunately it was harder than we thought to convince the profitable oil business to engage in our new unique anchor design.

In 2008 we even invited the industry to participate and contribute in a program for comparative cost effective and reliable test of drag anchors, but we did not manage to get the sponsoring we needed for the project. Therefore we decided, for the time being, to  concentrate on our already successful 30kg and 72kg Moorsafe anchors. As originator we have the sole copyright for the unique Moorsafe anchor design for many years to come, and through the years we have experienced the superior unparalleled holding power and we claim that Moorsafe is the most capable and strongest anchor concept ever.

Now 15 years later, when there is an urgent growing need for cost efficient mooring of floating offshore wind, we think that  n o w  must be the right time to reintroduce our unique Moorsafe anchor concept to the offshore industry. We now hope it might be easier to get the support we need for reliable testing to convince the industry that Moorsafe anchors are the safest, the most economical and, due to less steel weight, a great CO2 saving anchoring system.

It’s a pity for all the lost years and all the unnecessary CO2 emissions, but better late than never.

Program Testprocedure